Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

YAY! It's Halloween! A time for people to get diabetes and scare the crap out of you! Its also a time for free candy! Have fun everyone! Lets all enjoy free candy!
Here's a song by v[NEU]! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monolith's New PVs

Monolith FINALLY released their new PVS. I love Monolith so I had to post these PVs. Like I said in the previous posts, the songs are Mirai ryoko sha and CANDY CANDLE. So here are the PVs:
Mirai ryoko sha
Keita still looks cute and Ryu still has an awesome voice. Tell me what you think about the PVs.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't been able to upload, my computer had technical difficulty and I've been caught up in school. GOMEN. BYEEE!